What accomodation is available?

For accomodation, you have basically two options.
You can stay at Castle Stahleck itself, which is a hostel. Room standard is basic. Rooms have anywhere between 3 and 12 beds each. Some rooms contain shower/toilet, others use shared sanitary facilities for the whole floor. Prices are €35,- per person per night. These prices include a full board (breakfast/lunch/dinner).
The second option is to book a room in one of the hotels in Bacharach. Note that you will still need to register on this site to participate in the Joust and Mêlée tournaments.

Please consider staying at the Castle, as we can only host the tournament on the Castle grounds if we reach a minimum capacity of 140 booked beds.

The rooms available at the castle are as follows:

Where Room# Number of beds bathroom at room optional extra beds
Basement #86 4 no no
Basement #87 2 no 1
Basement #88 2 no 1
Basement #92 9 no no
Basement #93 5 yes no
Long House #123 4 yes no
Long House #124 4 yes no
Long House #125 9 yes no
Long House #221 3 yes 1
Long House #222 7 yes no
Long House #223 7 yes no
Long House #224 10 yes no
Main Building #301 2 yes 1
Main Building #302 4 no no
Main Building #303 4 no 1
Main Building #304 6 no no
Main Building #305 6 no no
Main Building #306 6 no no
Main Building #402 10 no 2
Tower House #133 8 yes 2
Tower House #134 4 yes 1
Tower House #232 9 yes 1
Tower House #233 3 yes 1
Tower House #32 8 yes 1
Tower #141 10 yes 2
Tower #241 10 yes 2
Tower #341 4 yes 1
Tower #342 4 yes 1

Optional extra beds

Some of the rooms can be equipped with extra beds, as shown in the list above. Adding an extra bed to a room is a suboptimal solution and might result in a very cramped room, therefore we decided to disable this option on default in the registration system. Also, the list above shows only the rooms where it is possible, however, the total number of available extra beds is lesser than the sum of possible spots in all rooms. If you are interested to fit an extra bed into your room (to accomodate a friend of yours for example) please contact us via email to tourney@stahleck.eu.

Double bedrooms

We have a limited number of double bedrooms available, which can not be booked with the default registration system. Please understand that these rooms are reserved for couples or persons with special needs. If you are interested in booking a 2 bed room you can contact us directly via email to tourney@stahleck.eu (stating the reason why you need a 2 bed room).

What about food?

Some meals will be served at the town hall (Lunch on Friday and Saturday). The other meals will be served at the Castle. If you have booked a room at the castle, all meals are included in the price of the room. If you stay elsewhere, you will have to pay for your meals on site. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food will be available, please select your preference when filling out the registration form.

How can I register a group of people?

The same way you register a single person. You just have to do it several times. A separate registration form must be submitted for every single participant.
If you handle registration for several people, think carefully which e-mail address to enter in the registration form.
If you use your e-mail, you'll be the one who receives the confirmation message, as well as payment reminders and cancellation warnings, so make sure you confirm all registrations within 60 minutes of submitting the form, and remind your friends to pay within 14 days, or their registration will be cancelled automatically.
Conversely, if you use each participant's personal e-mail, make sure they confirm and pay in time.

Why did I get an email saying my registration got cancelled?

This can have one of two reasons. Either you didn't follow the link in the confirmation mail within two hours after receiving it or you didn't pay in time.

You can just register again.

How do I cancel my registration?

Just answer to the confirmation mail that was sent to you when you registered and say that you would like to cancel it.

Please note that refunds are given as follows depending on when you cancel:

  • up until 31. August: reimbursement of 100%
  • up until 1. November: reimbursement of 50%
  • anything later than that: no reimbursement

In case you haven't paid yet, you can also just wait until your registration gets cancelled automatically.

How can I change my registration?

In the confirmation mail you received when registering there was a link. Follow this link to make changes to your registration.
Do not share this link with anyone! Everybody who knows that link will be able to make changes to your registration!

How do I register for side events?

Registration for side events will be on site. There will be no additional fee for any of the side events, except for those using additional material, like draft packs, which might be charged for on site (cash only).

Where can I find the registration form?

Make sure to read this text.

Is there a waiting list?

Yes. If you register you will automatically be added to the corresponding waiting lists. If a spot opens up and you are next in queue, you will get an email informing you.

I won a Road to Stahleck event or National Championship, do I still have to register?

We have a spot in the Joust and Melee reserved for every Road to Stahleck or Nationals winner. Please contact your Road to Stahleck or Nationals TO and they will figure out the details together with Remko Looten, our Road to Stahleck coordinator.