Tourney of Stahleck


Below you can find the schedule for Stahleck 2024. Minor changes might still occur.

Castle Icon Event takes place at the castle.

Townhall Icon Event takes place at the townhall.

Please note that the ending times of the side events depend heavily on the number of participants and may vary from those shown in the table.


People playing Joust

Saturday, November 23rd & Sunday, November 24th

What Where When
Registration Townhall Icon Townhall 08.00
Preliminary Rounds Townhall Icon Townhall 08.45
Dinner Castle Icon Castle 19.00
Qualification Round Castle Icon Castle 20.30
Top 16 Castle Icon Castle 21.45
Top 8 Castle Icon Castle 23.00
Semifinals (Sun) Castle Icon Castle 10.00
Final (Sun) Castle Icon Castle 11.30

Format & Rules

  • The Joust Tournament is likely played in 8 preliminary rounds (Swiss). The exact number of Swiss rounds depends on the player count.
  • After 8 rounds of Swiss, all players with five or fewer wins are eliminated from the tournament. All players with six or more wins progress to a Qualification Round that takes the form of a top 32 elimination bracket which will be filled up with byes. Players paired with a bye automatically progress to Top 16, the others play for their spot in Top 16. After that the top 16 players will advance and play single elimination rounds.
  • Example: Let’s assume a field size of 200 players. After 8 Swiss rounds, there are 29 players with 6 or more wins. These 29 players progress to the Top 32 qualification round, all others are eliminated from the tournament. The 29 progressing players are placed in a regular tournament bracket (pairing 1-32, 2-31, 3-30 etc), and the remaining 3 spots in the Top 32 round are filled up with byes. This results in the 3 top ranked players after the Swiss being paired with a bye and immediately progressing to Top 16, and the remaining 26 playing for their spot in Top 16. The following elimination rounds from Top 16 onward are played as usual.
  • Standings will be determined in the usual way. Tournament points are only relevant to determine placement. Progression to the Qualification Round depends solely on the number of wins after 8 rounds of Swiss, as outlined above.
  • Tournament rules as published by Global Operations Team apply.
  • Time call for all Joust games except the Final: 55 minutes.
  • Time call for the Joust Final: 120 minutes.
  • Legal cardpool according to the Organized Play guidelines published by GOT (check ). The latests Standard Joust Restricted List will be in effect. (v1.12)
  • Decklists are required and have to be submitted before Tournament start.
    • You can use the following methods for decklist submission:
      • Electronic submission by providing a link to a ThronesDB decklist
      • Paper submission by providing a physical copy of your decklist
    • Please fill this form before the tournament and follow the instructions provided there: Decklist submission form Please fill the form even if you are planning to use paper decklists.
    • Guidelines for Electronic decklists:
      • Create an empty deck on ThronesDB or use an existing deck from your ThronesDB account.
      • Use the form linked above to provide the direct link to your decklist.
      • Make sure to activate "Share your decks" in your ThronesDB Account settings, otherwise we will not be able to clone your deck.
      • Your decklist will be cloned at the start of the tournament using the provided link. You are responsible that your provided link is valid and deck sharing is active.
      • You can make changes to your deck before the deadline (which is at the start of the tournament). You do not need to notify us if changes are made before cloning. Any changes made after the deadline are ignored.
    • Guidelines for Paper decklists:
      • Every decklist must show the full name and Jousting Pavilion nick of the player
      • Decklists must be legible and must include number of copies of each card used in the deck
      • Cards are identified by their title. If multiple cards share the same title as the card in the deck, the version used in deck is identified by either:
        • Name of the product (Box, Cycle or Pack) in which that version was released
        • Abbreviation of the aforementioned product name as used on
        • ThronesDB-ID of that card (Janos Slynt (AtSK) could be identified as Janos Slynt (04010))

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Not sure if collusion

Friday, November 22nd

What Where When
Registration Townhall Icon Townhall 09.00
Preliminary Rounds Townhall Icon Townhall 09.30
Semifinals Castle Icon Castle 20.30
Final Table Castle Icon Castle 22.30

Format & Rules

  • The Mêlée Tournament is played in 4 preliminary rounds (randomly seated). Then, a semi-final round (cut 16, 4 tables), followed by a final table of 4.
  • Time call for the Mêlée Tourney: 90 minutes.
  • The final table will have a time limit of 180 minutes.
  • Regular Mêlée rules are used as written in the Learn to Play guide, the Rules Reference Guide, the Tournament Rules and the latest FAQ. Please pay attention to the restricted list.
  • Additional rules updates may be applied, but will be announced in due time
  • Legal cardpool according to the Organized Play guidelines published by GOT (check The latest Standard Melee Restricted List (yet to be determined) will be in effect.
  • Decklists are required and have to be submitted before Tournament start. For more details check the decklist guidelines under the Joust description.

Changes to Three-Person Mêlée

One of the problems with Mêlée as we perceived it is that three-person Mêlée tables are a drag. The problem comes down to the titles. With one player supporting another, they have no choice of who to challenge, and therefore no way of negotiating – which is one of the main points of Mêlée. Therefore, the following changes are being implemented:

The Crown Regent title is to be removed from the pool at the start of the game; only the other five titles are to be used. This will prevent someone from guaranteeing dodging a challenge from one of the other players, as well as being able to attack any of the opponents. As we shared our experiences, in three person tables the value of rivals was minimal and the Crown Regent title was perceived as an obvious choice to pick. Eliminating this title not only will make the title selection more interesting, but will increase the value of the rivalry.

Supports are to be ignored. Rivals will still be taken into account, but any player can attack any other player. Since the support in 2.0 only means that you cannot attack the player you support (players can no longer oppose challenges for a supported role as in first edition), removing it was also a natural step in the process to make tables less title-dependant. The elimination of support will guarantee more player interaction and foster diplomacy in each round. We hope these two steps combined will make the experience and game play of three-player tables as close as possible of the standard four table format.

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Tag Team Tournament 2vs2

Thursday, November 21st

Date Time Location Room Organisator Status
Thursday, 21.11. 20:00 Castle Icon Castle Rittersaal Mad Confirmed

A fun and interactive format that involves building decks that synergise and perform well together in order to beat other teams. This format allows for different interactions thanks to the rules and deck-building restrictions you have to face.

What you need

  • A teammate (it is easier to form your team before the tournament, but you can also form up on site)
  • Deck according to the deck building rules outlined below
  • Power and Gold Tokens

Format & Rules


  • Each player in a team must use a different agenda and faction than his teammate. Players also cannot use banner agenda of the faction of their teammate.
  • Players in a team share plot deck
    • Before each game players separate their shared plotdeck between two of them so each player has a valid plot deck
    • When constructing the shared plotdeck:
      • Players first calculate its size, based on their agendas (e.g. Rains + Wars = 22 cards in plot deck)
      • Then they apply restrictions:
        • In this format, consider each plot has "Limit once per plot deck"
        • If agenda says a trait cannot be in a plot deck, that trait cannot be in shared plot deck (e.g. Kings of Summer)
        • If agenda says that a plot deck contains only plots with specific traits, only those specific traits can be used in shared plot deck (e.g. Battle of the Trident)
        • If agenda says that plot deck must contain specific number of plots with certain trait but that number is not whole plot deck, shared plot deck must contain that specific number of plots with that trait (e.g. "Rains of Castamere")
        • All of these conditions must met at the same time
  • Players do not share their draw decks
  • Each player constructs their draw deck according to standard rules, Joust RL and their own agenda restrictions
  • Neutral cards on Joust RL are not considered to be restricted for this event
  • Banned cards are banned in this format
  • PODs are in place for one player, not the whole team
    • Note: Plot deck is shared, so if a plot is in a POD, neither player can use rest of the cards
  • Bribery is banned in this format


  • This is a 2v2 format
  • No titles are involved.
  • Players must play in a cross like formation sitting in opposite corners from their teammate
  • Your teammate is not considered to be your opponent, so cards that specify “Opponents” on them, target Opponents and not your Teammates (e.g. - Trading with the Pentoshi would not give your partner 3 gold, but Time of Plenty would give your partner a card)
  • Table talk is encouraged. Players can talk about whatever they want and can give hints and advice to each other.
  • Using table talk you can try and bluff opponents into thinking you have Dracarys! or a Put to the Sword but you cannot reveal your hand to anyone.
  • If a card references your plot deck during game, it references only the part of your plot deck you chose to play with this game. (e.g.Beneath the Bridge of Dream)
  • Plot phase:
    • Each team can consult each other on what to play from their plots. You are allowed to secretly show your partner your plot before choosing them.
    • Whoever wins initiative chooses who goes first and then first player chooses when revealed orders.
  • Marshalling Phase:
    • Starting clockwise from the first player, everyone marshalls like in a Melee game.
  • Challenge Phase:
    • Challenges also happen as they would in a Melee game. Each player does theirs then you move on to the next person
    • You can only attack players on the enemy team (friendly fire is off)
    • You cannot support your teammate by attacking or defending on their behalf. You can however use cards like Margery to boost your teammates characters and attach useful attachments to them etc.
    • You can’t initiate more than one challenge of each type against the same opponent. This stops a player being a beatstick and getting military/intrigue/power challenged twice (Cards like “Khal Drogo” and “Relentless Assault” aren’t as good in this format, unless you plan on doing all the military challenges in the team!)
  • Dominance Phase:
    • The single player with the highest total for dominance, wins dominance. If two players (even if they’re on the same team) tie for highest total, nobody wins.

Win Conditions

  • Once a Team reaches a total of 30 power gathered amongst their cards, that team Wins.
  • A player is allowed to accumulate more than 15 power, essentially carrying his team to victory.
  • If a player runs out of cards in his/her draw deck, their team immediately loses.

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Rental Car 1.0

Friday, November 22nd

Date Time Location Room Organisator Status
Friday, 22.11. 20:30 Castle Icon Castle Cafeteria Schwaig Confirmed

Nice ride

Player limit: 32

Entry Fee: -

Need to bring: 21 Power Token, Gold Token

You want to play good old 1st Edition, but you dont have any decks with you? You even sold your card collection, which you bitterly regret by now? Never played the 1st Edition, but want to see what all these stories are about?

For all these problems we are gladly offering the solution and proudly present: Rental Car, 1st Edition Special.

In this tournament, you get the chance to play 1st Edition Joust and you do not even need your own deck! Every round you will get a new randomly assigned 1st Edition deck.

We built a pool of 42 epic 1st Edition Joust decks from all periods of the game, each following their own restriction list and errata back from their days. Lets see if you can master those beasts of old and prove yourself and the world who the real 1st Edition Champion is!

For those you dont know the 1st Edition, we will also provide a short introduction into rules differences from 2nd Edition. Furthermore, every deck comes with one A4 paper sheet full of informations about the history, playstyle, key cards and setup suggestions for your convenience.

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CCG Cube Draft

Friday, November 22nd

Date Time Location Room Organisator Status 
Friday, 22.11. 20:30 Castle Icon Castle Herman tbd Open

Not yet confirmed, below description is only for reference

It is non-unique.

Player limit: 12

Welcome to a time when there was no “Thrones” on HBO and only you and your D&D friends knew that Jon Snow knows nothing.
A time when cards had black borders and were double as heavy as nowadays.

Long forgotten days when the only game that matters was played by real men and women who fearlessly spent their kids’ college savings to buy another display for 100 bucks just to get the third copy of “The Broken Arm”.

Welcome to the AGOT Legacy Cube Draft Tournament at Castle Stahleck.

Be prepared to get nuked by a claim 10 power challenge because you forgot to read your opponent's plot. See your 5 gold unique immune to triggered effects location get blanked by a 0 gold none unique attachment and bite in the edge of the table when your opponent plays his third copy of “The Broken Arm”.

Limited to 12 players!

Format & Rules

Deck-Size Limits

Decks must contain a minimum of 40 cards. There is no maximum deck size. Plot decks must number exactly 5 cards. A player's main deck may contain any number of any specific card, including more than three copies of a card. Plot decks must contain exactly 5 cards, and just have only one copy of each Plot card.

Material Needed

Each player participating in the tournament must have the following:

  • 55 cards from the draft cube (provided by TO, to be returned after tournament)
  • 1 draft starter (detailed list see below, proxies allowed. If you have no possibility to organize it yourself, please contact TO in advance).
  • 2 empty deckboxes, tokens

Before the Draft

Each participant is allocated to a group of 4-6 players. This is done randomly by the tournament organizer.


Simultaneously each player takes the top 10 cards from his 50 cards, picks one card to keep for his or her deck, and then passes the remaining cards to the left. The player then picks one card from the cards passed to him from the player on his or her right, and then passes the remaining cards to the left. This process is repeated until each player's hand is depleted. Next, each player takes the next 10 cards from the remaining 40 cards, picks one card, and passes the remaining cards to the right, following the process outlined above until each player's hand is depleted. Now the directions changes again and so on. Players should be allowed about 30 minutes for the Drafting process.

Deck Construction

Each player now has a pool of 55 cards from drafting and 39 cards from the Draft Pack. Decks are constructed using these cards only (players cannot add cards from their collection). Players may select either one or two House cards. If a player chooses two House cards, he requires 20 power to win the game, but they may play House X Only cards for both Houses. Both House cards are considered a single card of both houses for purposes of attachments, etc. Players should be allowed about 20 minutes for the Deck Construction process.

Content of the Draft Pack**

See this PDF.

6 different House Cards* 7 Plots: Fortified Position, On Raven´s Wings, Wildfire Assault*, Counting Coppers, Filthy Accusations, Alliance*, Taxation*
20 Locations: 1x Fallow Fields, 1x The God´s Eye, 3x The Roseroad, 3x The Searoad, 3x Kingsroad
Fiefdom, 3x Sunset Sea, 3x Narrow Sea, 3x Summer Sea
6 Characters: 1x House Umber Recruiter, 1x Dissident Crier, 1x Stormlands Peasant, 1x Godly Fisherman, 1x Illyrio´s Man, 1x Desert Scavenger

* Coming from the old Draft Pack. All other cards have been part of the Draft Supplement Pack.
** In case there are different versions of one card (like Kingsroad Fiefdom), always the latest version is applied. Old versions are still playable, just keep in mind the altered text.

Time call for the Draft Tourney: 50 minutes.

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1st Edition Sealed Cube

Saturday, November 23rd

Date Time Location Room Organisator Status
Saturday, 23.11. 21:00 Castle Icon Castle Cafeteria Wedge Confirmed

Format & Rules

Do you want all the joy of playing the best version of the game, but wish you could also get the dopamine hit of cracking open booster packs? Well now a format exists that allows just that! So come along, get excited by which rares you pull, build your best deck, and have a little joust. Then pity the poor idiot who has to re-sort the cards after the event!

Each player will receive six 20-card booster packs and a copy of the Treaty agenda (no draft starter required). Build a minimum 40 card main deck, and a 5 card plot deck. Any card may be sleeved backwards as a Roseroad. Each booster pack contains 2 rares, 8 uncommons, 8 commons, 2 plots/agendas.

Max players: 8

What to bring: just your gorgeous self. Though if you have sleeves, gold & power to hand, you can bring those too.

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LCG 2.0 Draft

Thursday, November 21st

Date Time Location Room Organisator Status
Thursday 21.11. 20:00 Castle Icon Castle Rittersaal Dennis Confirmed

Booster Draft

Player limit: 21 (hard limit unless you bring your own Valyrian Draft Pack)

To participate in this side event you need a draft pack, which you will be able to purchase on site for 15€, and a Draft Starter which we will have a limited amount available for 5€.
If possible, please bring your own Draft Starter or Draft Pack.

Hint: Each card from the Draft Pack will have a "C", "U" or "R" printed on the bottom right corner, indicating "common", "uncommon" or "rare". This might help judging a cards value.

Draft Format

Draft is an exciting limited format of play for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. In a draft, each player creates a pool of eligible cards for his or her deck by selecting individual cards from randomized draft packs. After this process is complete, each player builds a deck from his or her pool of drafted cards, and the players use those decks to compete in a tournament.

To draft, each player needs 1 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Draft Pack and 1 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Draft Starter. Players must also provide their own power counters and gold tokens.

Setup: Players are arranged in drafting pods of 5-8 players. Each player opens his or her Draft Pack at the table and in sight of the other players, but does not look at or re-order the cards. The contents of the Draft Starter are set aside at this time.

How to Draft

To draft, follow these steps, in order:

  1. Each player draws the top 10 cards of his or her Draft Pack.
  2. Each player looks at his or her 10 cards, selects 1 of those cards to draft, and places it face down in his or her area as a drafted card.
  3. Each player passes the 9 remaining cards (those that were not drafted) face down to the player to his or her left. Players may not pick up or look at the cards just passed until all players at the table have completed this step.
  4. Each player looks at the 9 cards that were just passed, and selects 1 of those cards to draft. The drafted card is placed face down in his or her stack of drafted cards.
  5. Each player passes the 8 remaining cards (those that were not drafted) to the player to his or her left. How To Draf
  6. This process of drafting 1 card, and passing the remaining cards to the left, is repeated until no cards remain to be passed. When this occurs, the first round of the draft is over.
  7. Between rounds, each player may review the cards he or she has drafted.
  8. For the next round of drafting, each player draws 10 cards from his or her Draft Pack, drafts 1, and then passes the remaining cards to the right. (All remaining cards for this round are passed in the opposite direction than they were passed in the previous round.)
  9. This draft process continues through five 10-card rounds, until all cards have been drafted. During each round, undrafted cards are passed in the direction opposite to that in which they were passed during the previous round, so that passing occurs in a left-right-left-right-left manner through each of the five rounds of the draft.

Draft Starter Contents

After a draft event is complete, the contents of the Draft Starter may be re-used in future draft events. For your convenience, the following checklist of cards in the Draft Starter is provided.

  • House Baratheon/House Greyjoy x1
  • House Lannister/House Martell x1
  • The Night's Watch/House Stark x1
  • House Targaryen/House Tyrell x1
  • The Power of Wealth/Protectors of the Realm x1
  • Treaty/Uniting the Seven Kingdoms x1
  • The Roseroad x3
  • The Kingsroad x3
  • House Bannerman x2
  • Wildling Scout x1
  • Rattleshirt's Raiders x1
  • Filthy Accusations x1
  • A Feast For Crows x1
  • Feast or Famine x1
  • Summoned by the Conclave x1
  • The Pale Mare x1

Stahleck Team Tournament

Sunday, November 24th

Date Time Location Room Organisator Status
Sunday, 24.11. 9:30 Castle Icon Castle Rittersaal Raius Confirmed

When you wake up on Sunday, battered and bruised after battling solo against your opponents in the melee and joust, what could be better than to team up with your brave companions to take on the rest of Westeros and beyond in our 2023 Stahleck Team event?

This year our team event ignores our earthly international borders and allows participants to immerse themselves into the world of ice and fire to create teams themed within the lore itself.

Our Team event will take place on Sunday in the Rittersaal, with Registration beginning at 9:30 am for a 10:00 start.

General Rules

  • Open teams of 3 players, each with a fixed deck.
  • No repeat factions, agendas or banners on any one team.
  • Pairings are decided by ‘best of three’. If a team goes 2-0 up, a team win is therefore secured.
  • Format: Swiss, followed by a Top Cut.
  • Normal Joust rules apply, with the added rule that players can ask for advice from either of their teammates during play.
  • Teammates can only give advice when asked for it. Do not interrupt a teammate's game to give advice.
  • With or without advice, it is reasonable that all action windows and decision points should be made within a minute. If an opponent is looking like they are taking longer than this to make a decision, a player can politely ask them to speed up or let a judge know.
  • If a player has to drop out of the event, a substitute with a new fixed deck can take their place.

When Pairings are Announced

When pairings are announced, all teams should gather at their tables with each player displaying their faction and agenda on the table in front of them. The team placed lowest in the pairing will then have first pick at deciding who will face each other. The other team will then choose a pairing out of the 4 remaining decks, and the final two decks will then pair off. In the case of round 1, the team captains can toss a coin or roll a dice to determine which team gets to choose first.

The winning captain should report the result to the TO.

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The Driver, Not The Car

Sunday, November 24th

Date Time Location Room Organisator Status
Sunday, 24.11. 09:30 Castle Icon Castle Herman Aljosha Confirmed

Player Limit: 32

Format & Rules

Exact rules are still subject to change

Normal rules for LCG Joust tourneys apply with the following additions and alterations.

  • Each player has to play the deck of someone else. The deck is chosen randomly before each round. Its not allowed to play one´s own deck.
  • A player receives normal tourney points for playing the games each round. He/she also receives tourney points for the performance of his/her deck (added at the end of the tourney).
  • For the Swiss pairings for each round only the player´s tourney points are taken into account.
  • Deckbuilding restriction: each deck consists of exactly the minimum legal number of cards for its agenda type.
  • A decklist is required.
  • Each player may have a look at the deck before the game starts (no longer than 5 minutes).
  • Each player has to check, if the deck is in it´s orginal state, before each round.
  • Time call for the "The Driver, Not The Car" - Tourney: 55 minutes.

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1.0 Joust

Sunday, November 24th

Date Time Location Room Organisator Status
Sunday, 24.11. 9:30 Castle Icon Castle Cafeteria Dave B Confirmed

Why would you play by your own rules?

First Edition. Because Moribund is fun. And creating rules just so that one card works the way it was intended to is totally normal.

Format & Rules

The last version of the A Game of Thrones LCG 1st Edition Tournament Rules and FAQ v.6.0 apply. The exact number of Swiss rounds and the size of the cut depend on the number of players and will be announced at a later date.

All language versions are tourney legal.

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CCG Draft Madness

Saturday, November 23rd

Date Time Location Room Organisator Status
Saturday, 23.11. 11:00 Castle Icon Castle Herman Daniel Confirmed

Player limit: 8

People who play this event probably know what to expect. No detailed description available at this time ;)


Ideas for more Side Events?

If you want to organise a Side Event Tournament or have a suggestion what Side Events should be hosted at Stahleck 2024, please contact us under or reach out to us on our Discord-Server.
